Rental FAQs

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Are you interested in renting a timeshare property or renting out yours? We’re here to help! Our team has become quite popular over the years, giving travelers a more affordable and comfortable way to vacation. Read up on the most frequently asked questions for potential timeshare renters before booking a timeshare rental. For additional questions, contact one of our experienced brokers.


How do I find timeshare rentals?

Timeshare rentals are often advertised online. However, it is hard to find a company you can trust. Our team has a large portfolio to choose from all around the globe.

How can I be sure the timeshare rental will be for the week I want?

Depending on whether the owner’s timeshare is a deeded week, floating week, or points-based membership, our team must guarantee your vacation. Also, be sure to check what days the timeshare week falls on, as this can vary by resort (Fri-Fri, Sat-Sat, Sun-Sun). If you want to rent, it is a good idea to be flexible with your vacation plans.

What can make a timeshare rental different from a hotel?

There are many factors that make a timeshare rental different from a hotel. First off, timeshare accommodations are typically much more spacious and luxurious than an average hotel room. Timeshare resorts also provide many more resort features and amenities than a hotel. With a timeshare rental, you are given all the same membership benefits as an owner. And best of all, you can get a timeshare rental for a fraction of the price of a hotel reservation.